Travelers Rest
Community Church
Our Leadership Team
Elders must be above reproach (Titus 1:6; 1 Tim. 3:2), the husband of one wife (Titus 1:6; 1 Tim. 3:2), household must be in order with children who believe (Titus 1 :6; 1 Tim. 3:4), not a new convert (1 Tim. 3:6), self-controlled and temperate (Titus 1:7; 1 Tim. 3:2), honorable, hospitable, seeking good (Titus 1:7), have a good reputation ( 1 Tim. 3:7 ), not addicted to wine ( 1 Tim. 3:3 ), not greedy ( 1 Tim. 3:3 ), able to exhort (teach) sound doctrine ( Titus 1:9 ; 1 Tim. 3:2), able to refute false teaching ( Titus 1:9 ), they must be ready to earn their own living if necessary ( Acts 20:17 , 33-35 ).

Jeremy grew up in North Carolina, where he met his wife Natalie. They are the parents of of Colt and Nora. Jeremy is a forever fan of Wake Forest University, and has learned how to deal with loss after loss through his loyalty to their sports programs.

Blake, originally from Oklahoma, met his wife Heather on a mission trip. Since then, they have had three children (Karis, Owen, and Nathan). Blake is known for being a coffee snob and for luring people into friendships via americanos.

Eric is the husband of Ashley, who he met while attending North Greenville University, and is the father of Penelope and Ford. He is a South Carolina native who loves his southern heritage of sweet tea and livermush.

Lomax and his wife Carol have 7 wonderful children. Lomax grew up overseas and brings experience and wisdom to the church. Lomax, an engineer by trade, loves tinkering and problem solving.

Zach, a native of central Pennsylvania, attended Bob Jones University and never left Greenville. Zach is the husband of Christina, who faithfully serves both her husband and the church.